November 10th, 2012

We recorded two songs today with Alex Kostelnik. Here we are taking a break from the studio in his hot tub. Thanks to everyone who came to the show at 20/20 Cycle last night.

The cassette is now gone for good. There's still a K IPU 7" on the horizon. In the spirit of late 80s/early 90s K we demanded that it be be delayed for a year. They were happy to oblige! We have a second four song ep that we're putting out ourselves. It also has a firm release date for sometime next year. It's going to have Athena From Bow, Knock on my Door, Dentist and Rio Grande.

Jess's other band, The Daffodils, is recording an album on Orcas Island. Karl's gone solo and is working on a grunge tribute to west coast women songwriters. Allen thinks one band is enough for him.